Yesterday, we said goodbye to 2 of our bunnies. Literally, we said ‘goodbye’. Oh, and we said ‘Good luck. Have fun. We will miss you’
We had 3 bunnies. And with our small garden, that used to be quite pretty, the 3 bunnies ate their way through everything green and growing. And some dead wood too.
• The plants being eaten, and the garden being destroyed
• Buying bunny food for the bunnies, just in case the garden did not provide enough nutrients
• The lawn being covered with fresh manure
• Etc
(Note to reader: The list above will be referred to later. Keep notes)
BUT, whenever I was/we were in the garden, it was so cute to see the bunnies running around, playing. So cute. So fluffy. So sweet
What was a man to do?
So, a family conference was held, and it was decided that 2 of the 3 bunnies would go. We offered them around town, but no takers. We offered it to the nursery school (kindergarten). No takers
We had seen bunnies at a pet store. So we thought they may take them. But after seeing the same bunnies, time after time, in the same small cage, that did not seem like a fair option. Sending them back to my ex-wife’s family’s farm would mean certain bunny death. (For those who misread that last comment, I do not mean any disrespect to Terri, my ex-wife, or her family. After all, Terri arranged the amazing bunnies for us. And I am sincerely greatful to her for that. I am just letting you know that the bunnies came from the farm, and there was no point in sending them back to the farm. Read on). On the farm, they are having a classic ‘breeding like bunnies’ disaster of their own. There are hundreds of them. And, sadly but necessary, those bunnies are on death row, using their remaining time in this world to repent for leading such lascivious lifestyles.
So, we weighed up many options. And each option had its own pros and cons, and therefore more iterations than an average South African international cricket game
Thank God, we live by a river. That’s where the 2 bunnies would be going. And the picture above depicts our ‘goodbye and good luck’ ceremony. Held yesterday.
I don't know if I should be concerned, or excited, following the candid admission above. PETA may firebomb my car for animal abuse. Or they may award me a medal for liberating the bunnies.
PETA is so unpredictable.
You know how extremists can be
Anyways, that’s just the beginning. The now great ‘Bunny Incident of 2009’, was just part of a move to simplify, and thereby, live/enjoy life.
The bunnies were so cute. And they were fun to watch. And for at least 5 minutes each day, I got so much joy for them.
And for every waking hour I worried about… (if you did not keep notes, refer to the list above)
BUT…the bunnies are so cute, so keeping them (with the related worrying) must be worth it. The bunnies are so cuddly, so keeping them (with the related worrying) must be worth it. Surely it's worth it?
The decision to simplify life (send 2 bunnies packing) was a good one. They were cute (for 5 minutes each day), but they did not contribute to my goals in life.
They did, however, cause me concern for many waking hours.
If the thing you spend 5 minutes enjoying, is indeed part of your life plan, keep it. Keep doing it. Keep enjoying it. Even if there is related worrying or concern.
Spending 5 minutes a day with your children, while still being concerned about their welfare every waking (and sleeping) moment, worthwhile. Those 5 minutes (hopefully many more minutes each day) make the worrying and concern seem insignificant.
Many of us have so many bunnies in our lives. And they are all so cute and cuddly (at least for 5 minutes of the day/week/month/year). And for those 5 minutes per day/week/month/year we spend a hell of a lot of time worrying about it.
A simple test for bunnies in your garden: Is the bunny part of your grand life plan? (examples of ‘grand life plans include: raising a family; following a socially responsible calling; growing your job or business venture; writing a book)
You know that car you can barely afford? The one you have, so that you can be seen in it for 5 minutes of a day, assuming you bump into your neighbor in the driveway, or you colleague in the parking lot. You know that car. The one that you then spend days (and nights) worrying about. Worrying about how to pay it off. Worrying about the expensive car service that is due at 25 000 km. Worrying about how much petrol it guzzles.
BUT…you love that car, so surely it's worth it. The car looks great, so it must be worth it. The car goes so well, so it must be worth it.
Yes, that car/bunny.
Or how about that framed rugby jersey, signed by the South African team. You know that one? The one that hangs in the living room, so that for 5 minutes every few years (when the Rugby World Cup takes place) you can look at it and be proud of yourself that you have it. Yes, the one your wife hates. The one that ‘causes’ arguments. Arguments that last a lot longer than the 5 minutes you spend perving over it every few years.
BUT…you love that jersey, so surely it's worth it. The jersey looks great on the wall, so it must be worth it.
Yes that jersey/bunny.
So, if something is not part of your grand life plan, stop justifying keeping/using/having/buying/owning it for the five minutes of enjoyment it provides every day/week/month/year.
Use the worrying time to focus on your grand life plan (see examples above)
Simplify life. Live life. Enjoy life………
Say good-bye to some bunnies
By the way, no kids were harmed in the decision to discard of the bunnies (and the acting thereon)
You said goodbye to 2 of the 3 bunnies. That is what most of us do. We know we need to let go completely. But we dont. We never seem to. We always seem to keep 1 bunny around, when really we should let go completely.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment Craig. Here are some of my thoughts
ReplyDeleteI am not saying that one should necessarily get rid of all bunnies. But one needs to keep the goal in mind. Keeping many bunnies is not the goal, but I acknowledge that a single bunny has it’s pros (the kids love the pet, etc)
There is no problem with owning a great Jaguar car. But owning the great Jaguar car cannot be the life-goal
I am still happy to keep one bunny. 3 bunnies were unnecessary excess and caused unnecessary concern. I had limited space for 3 bunnies and 3 bunnies were eating into all our plants. And these issues caused more-than-limited stress.
Simple ‘bunny’ variables for one’s personal equations:
• 1 bunny: Decent car/ respectable clothes/ other
• 3 bunnies: Extravagant car/ ridiculously-priced branded clothes/ other
• Limited space: Limited income/ limited time/other
• Plants: School fees/ holiday money/ time with family
• Issues: Issues
• Stress: Stress