Friday, August 15, 2014

Is there anything worse than the Zionists blind support of Israel?

Zionists, and supporters of the State of Israel, have long been accused of blindly supporting Israel. Around the world, Zionists have long been accused of supporting Israel, blindly.

In South Africa, COSATU has accused Israel’s supporters and governments of the world who “turn a blind eye to these injustices”. The BDS movement in South Africa has rallying calls against “right wing groups’ blind support for Israel”. There are even some Jews, and people of Jewish descent, who proudly declare that they distance themselves from South African Jewish organisations and their “blind support for Israel's disproportionate actions” when Israel addresses the threat from Hamas.

I am a Zionist. I support Israel. And, to COSATU, BDS, a handful of Jews, and many people around the world, I am considered a “blind supporter of Israel”.

When I consider the term “blind”, I think of an individual who cannot see, or of someone whose eyes are closed. I think of someone who cannot discriminate between two, or more, options. I think of someone who is unable to evaluate options and consider alternatives.

When I think of the word “blind”, images of someone blindfolded are conjured up in my mind. “Blind” reminds me of someone driving in the dark, with no street lights or car lights. When I think of the word “blind” I imagine someone who is directionless, who cannot deliberately turn in a direction they wish to go, since they really cannot see which way is best to turn.

When I consider my support for Israel, I would never have thought that my support was a “blind” support. I always thought that my support for Israel was deliberate and intentional. I did not ever think that my support was blind, as some people would have me think. I would never have thought that I was blind when I read Israel’s declaration of independence that states that the State of Israel:

“...will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions”.

I have never considered myself “blind” when on all my visits to Israel, I see churches, mosques and synagogues, all standing, and operational, within Israel’s main cities.

I have never thought of myself as being “blind” when I researched the history of Jerusalem. I did not consider myself as being blind to the fact that between 1948 and 1967, 57 ancient synagogues, libraries and Jewish religious centres were ransacked and destroyed. I did not think I was “blind” for being proud of Israel’s capturing of Jerusalem in 1967, and granting access to all holy sites for members of all religions.

I have never considered myself as being “blind” to Israel’s social issues, and the way she deals with those issues. I have never thought of myself as being “blind” when I see Israel prosecuting individuals who violate people’s human rights. I have not been “blind” to the widespread condemnation from the Israeli government, and within Israeli society, to the murder of Mohammad Abu Khieder, an Arab teenager.

 I have never thought of myself as being “blind” when I acknowledge the social dysfunction that exists in some of Israel’s communities. I have never considered myself as being “blind” when I sympathise with the suffering of Israelis and Palestinians, and long for a peaceful coexistence between the two people’s.

When Israel defends itself against an existential threat, I did not think I was “blind” when I read the Hamas charter attitude towards Jews that states:

“The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!”

I was not “blind” when I saw Israel’s call to all people of all religions to help build the nation. I also did not consider myself “blind”, when reading, in the Hamas charter, that peace with Israel is not an option:

“Peace initiatives, the so-called peaceful solutions, and the international conferences to resolve the Palestinian problem, are all contrary to the beliefs of the Islamic Resistance Movement. For renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing part of the religion”

I am, as a Zionist, referred to as "blind". People who accuse me of being blind, can, as opposed to me, clearly see. And I call on you to use that facility of sight and indeed see.

I expect people to continue calling me “blind”. But I want you to see that it’s easier to accuse me of being “blind”, than to possibly consider that my support for Israel is deliberate and well thought through. You see, it’s difficult for Israel’s detractors to acknowledge that Zionists support Israel because Israel, despite its social and political issues, is a country and society that is founded on pluralism, equality before the law and respect for all religions. Israel’s detractors expect me to abandon Israel when a racist attack takes place on an Arab teenager. But, you see, I refuse to abandon Israel simply because of some perverted racists, in the same way I refuse to abandon South Africa when some perverted South African attacks an Afrikaner farming family, or some other perverted South African attacks a Malawian shop-owner.

I am not “blind” to Israel’s dark lights and sad flaws, and am certainly not “blind” to the brilliance and brightness of what Israel stands for.

You see, I am willing to forgive you, people who accuse me of “blindly’ supporting Israel. I forgive you for your deeply offensive suggestion, that my support for Israel is not thought through, or deliberate. I forgive you for your proposition that my support for Israel is not based on my belief in mutual respect and pluralism and my appreciation of Israel as a fascinating, and flawed, beautiful country. I forgive you for your derogatory assumption, that my support for Israel is not based on reason and fairness. I forgive you for your baseless hypothesis that my intellectual brain and my sympathising heart are not fully engaged when I consider my support for Israel, and when I acknowledge the suffering of Palestinians.

You see, there is one thing that is far worse than the Zionists blind support of Israel...

And that is people’s blind hatred of Zionists


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Hamas tells the BDS movement to F-Off

(Important Note: All quotes below, from the Hamas Charter,  are REAL)

Zionist Propaganda

The Zionist regime has presented a one-sided, propaganda filled narrative of the Hamas movement and its intentions.

Zionists claim that Hamas wants Israel destroyed

The Zionists claim that Hamas wants to destroy the State of Israel. To this end, the Zionists quote the following from the Hamas charter (click on quote to see more Hamas charter details):

"Israel will exist and  will  continue  to  exist  until  Islam  will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it."

The Zionists claim that Hamas wants all Jews to be killed

The Zionists also claim that Hamas wants all Jews dead. They support this absurd claim, by citing another passage from the Hamas charter:

"The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees,  and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him"

The Zionists claim that Hamas is not interested in a peaceful, negotiated 2 State solution

While the world believes Israel is being oversensitive, and encourages Israel to negotiate with Hamas, the Zionists claim that Hamas are not interested in negotiation. To support this claim, the Zionists cite the following passage from the Hamas charter:

"Peace  initiatives,   and   so-called   peaceful   solutions   and international conferences are in contradiction to the  principles  of  the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than a means to appoint the  infidels  as  arbitrators  in  the  lands  of Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem  except  by Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility."

Zionists claim the tunnels are aimed at committing terror attacks

The Zionists also claim that the Hamas tunnels are aimed at committing widespread terror attacks. The Zionists go on to say that Hamas has used the tunnels, and still intends to use the tunnels, to murder civilian Israeli children

The Zionist propaganda machine

The Zionist propaganda machine continues to mislead the world. The Hamas charter appears to be anti anti-Israel, anti-peace and anti-Jew. But the world must not be misled by the Zionists. When Hamas calls for the end of Israel, the murder of Jews and the terminating of any peace initiatives or negotiations, Hamas really mean it allegorically. The simple-minded, hate-filled Zionists, take all these Hamas charter statements far too literally.

What about the tunnels?

The Zionists are concerned about the tunnels. They are extremely paranoid and believe that the tunnels will be used to conduct terror raids on Israeli towns and villages. Contrary to the propaganda (spewing from the mouths of Netanyahu, Regev and Lerner) the tunnels are not intended for terror or to enable the killing of innocent children and women. The tunnels are not tools that will enable the fulfilment of the Hamas charter principles (some of which are noted above).


In the biggest snub to the Anti-Israel BDS movement, Khaled Meshaal and Ismail Haniya have declared Hamas' true purpose for, and intentions behind, the tunnels:

The tunnels enable Hamas agents to buy high-quality Israeli-made products, direct from within Israel.

After all, just like the Zionists, Hamas also doesn't like paying retail

Sunday, August 3, 2014

I respect the Taliban: The only true supporters of the BDS campaign


Boycott. Divestment. Sanctions.

The BDS campaign aims to drive consumers, NGOs and political bodies away from any type of support for Zionist, or Zionist aligned, businesses.

For example, the BDS movement calls for a boycott of Soda Stream, a business owned by Zionists, and based in, what is often referred to as, Occupied Palestine.

The Taliban are at the forefront of the BDS movement. The Taliban have recognized that, to a larger or lesser degree, modern cellphones, computer processors, Internet applications and GPS navigation systems are all reliant on Zionist technology. The Taliban have decided to shun most of these devices and technologies.

The Taliban have also realised that modern medical science has been influenced by the Zionists, and for this reason too, modern medical science is not tolerated within Taliban controlled areas.

The Zionists have also penetrated the industry of agriculture. Here too, the Taliban have avoided all use of modern irrigation systems, since the Zionist enterprise has helped develop such systems.

The noble Taliban have taken the BDS campaign very seriously. They have decided to shun all cellphone and computer based technologies. They have outlawed the use of modern medical science and modern farming techniques in all the towns and villages that they control.

The Taliban are the only true supporters of the BDS campaign. They acknowledge that the Zionist enterprise pervades all aspects of modern technological, medical and agricultural scientific development. To that end, they have gone all the way, to the point where they live simple lives within the caves of Afganistan's mountains.

I call on every self respecting, true and honest supporter of the BDS movement:

Go and join them!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

What was there, before the Jewish Occupation of Palestine?

Palestine. Israel. The Land of Israel.

These are just some names given to a piece of land that, in this world, is small in size but large in impact. The names of this piece of land are disputed. It would be a blessing to mankind if only the name was disputed.

The land itself is disputed. Many parties claim the land to be theirs. Many people are willing to die for the land, and many more are willing to kill for the land.

Religious Jews, claim that the land was promised to them by God. Their Torah describes how God promised the land to Jews, to be their spiritual homeland for eternity. They go even further than quoting verses from their Torah. To these Jews, their religious practices, dating back more than 2000 years, are intertwined with the land. Daily prayer services require these Jews to face Palestine. These Jews go on to say that according to their religious dictates, many religious services and practices can only be practiced in Palestine.

These Jews believe that their two Temples, representing God's home on earth, were located in Jerusalem. To them, Jerusalem has not only been sacred for thousands of years, it is, to them, the centre of the universe. Remnants of that second temple still stand in Jerusalem today, one wall of which is referred to as the Wailing Wall.

There is a small group of religious Jews, numbering a few hundred, who oppose the current form of Jewish governance of Israel. They want the Jewish Messiah to return, before Jews govern the land of Palestine. Despite their opposition to the current State of Israel, make no mistake that the belief is indeed universal among all religious Jews: Palestine is the physical and spiritual homeland of the Jews.

However, not all Jews are religious. Most Jews, from a religious practices perspective, are non-practicing Jews. Most of these Jews claim that Palestine is the homeland for the Jews for other reasons. These Jews cite multiple, differing, reasons for their support of the homeland for the Jews. Some cite the historical archeological evidence, dating back thousands of years. These people claim that the archeological evidence in Palestine shows a long history of rich Jewish culture and practices. Other non-religious Jews cite the long history of Jewish settlement in the land of Palestine. While Jews have not ruled over the land since the Roman destruction of Jerusalem, these Jewish supporters of the Jewish homeland claim evidence of unbroken, albeit at times limited, Jewish settlement within the land of Palestine.

There are other Jews, who cite the long history of anti-semitism, as being a reason for Jews to have a homeland of their own. And there are Jews, who from a cultural and social perspective, acknowledge the deep connection of the Jewish people to the land.

There are Jews who do not see a religious, social, historical or cultural connection of the Jews to the land of Palestine. For these Jews, they believe that Jews have no claim to the land of Palestine. I live in South Africa, and there are some Jews, or people of Jewish descent, who oppose Jewish claims to the land of Palestine. These Jews are vocal, and some of them are prominent members of government, business or the entertainment industry. While the group gains attention with 'not in our name' campaigns, they number approximately 200 individuals. The rest of the 75, 000 South African Jews, or people of Jewish descent, unashamedly support the concept of the land of Palestine being the homeland of the Jews.

Mecca is central to Islam and Moslems. A Moslem, for example in Jerusalem, faces Mecca during prayer. Likewise, a Jew, anywhere in the world, faces Jerusalem during prayer. There are indeed many people around the world who oppose Jewish settlement of the land of Palestine. Jews have been accused of 'Judaizing' Jerusalem. To most Jews (not the 200 'not-in-our-name' South African Jews and their ilk), the accusation of 'Judaizing' Jerusalem or 'Judaizing' the land of Palestine, would be akin to accusing Moslems of 'Islamizing' Mecca, or Catholics of 'Catholicizing' the Vatican. From a religious perspective, or a cultural perspective (or both), Jerusalem, and the land of Palestine, is central to Judaism and Jews.

So, what was there before the Jewish Occupation Of Palestine?

The Jews' Pre-Occupation With Palestine